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Semoga dengan keberadaan kami akan memberikan kemudahan bagi Anda untuk memilih referensi film-film terbaru dan uptodate, dan tentunya dengan kualitas terbaik.

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Reseller are welcome


Pengiriman barang DnK dilakukan setiap Senin-Jumat. Hari Sabtu, Minggu / Libur TUTUP. Pemesanan DVD via sms n bbm tetap diterima :)

Mr. X (Single India)


Judul : MR. X
Release :
Genre (s) : Thriller, Sci Fi

Casts :
Tammay Bhat, Gurmeet Choudhary, Amyra Dastur

Sinopsis :
A young couple who are government officers dedicated to their jobs and the nation. They are impassioned about their work and each other. All that changes in an instant in the face of a shocking betrayal which turns the tables on both of them. A potent solution to all of these crimes is discovered by the young man, in the form of invisibility, a condition that befalls the hero. The power of invisibility can be used to great good or can be corrupted to great evil which does he choose ? Especially when confronted with the one obstacle between achieving his goal and becoming all live without his love.

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