Release : 2015
Genre (s) : Drama, Comedy
Casts :
Park Se Young as Jae Hee
Kang In as Dong Hoon
Jeong Kyeo Woon as Hyeon Seok
Hong Wan Pyo as Jin Hyeok
Sinopsis :
Dong Hoon and Jae Hee are ex lovers. When they were together, they raised a cat named Gooreumi. After their breakup, Dong Hoon looked after the cat.
One day, the cat died. Dong Hoon decides to call Jae Hee and let her know what happened with their cat. They then meet for the first time in a year. To have a funeral for their cat, Dong Hoon and Jae Hee go out for a one night and two day trip together.
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