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The Midas Touch (Single Mandarin)


Release: 2013
Genre : Comedy

Casts :
Chapman To as Chiu
Charlene Choi as Suen
Gillian Chung
Wong Cho Lam
Yumiko Cheng
He Jiong
Lo Hoi-pang
Louis Cheung
Vincy Chan
Hins Cheung

Successful debt collector Chiu takes pity on a group of wannabe pop starlets when he goes to collect from the agency they are signed with. Naively thinking that he can do a better job in launching their careers, Chiu takes over the company in lieu of the debt but starts to realize he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Hoping that things might change with a strategic approach, he hires experienced talent manager Suen but with money running low and the company on the brink of bankruptcy, a dejected Chiu is soon ready to admit that his Midas touch has run out until a Korean showbiz entity expresses interest in the girls.
Now Chiu has to decide whether he is willing to say goodbye to his investment and, more importantly, to a dream he has come close to achieving.

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